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Hello! I'm really glad you're here. 

I’m Lauren. 

I grew up in the New Mexican desert of the USA, riding a few horses and making a lot of music with really lovely people. 


My musical journey began as a young child with children's choir and violin lessons and continued into my adulthood.

I received a degree in vocal music education in Albuquerque, New Mexico before moving to Berlin, Germany in 2016, where I learned German and worked for a number of years as a music teacher and choral director. In 2021, I moved to a small town called Bad Nenndorf to pursue a certification through a three-year-long training program at the Schule Schlaffhorst-Andersen to become a staatlich geprüfte Atem-, Sprech- und Stimmlehrerin (state-certified breath, speech, and voice teacher), which I completed in July of 2024. 
Starting August 2024, I will be employed as a teacher at the CJD Schule Schlaffhorst-Andersen teaching singing and "Schwingen".

Singing, writing, my life as an expat in Germany and acquiring a second language, the teaching I have done and still do, and my experiences with my body are much of what spark inspiration and give my creative life color. 


I write a lot about the many-sidedness of working with a voice:

the vulnerability, the struggle, the losing and searching and finding, the opening, the surrendering, and the potential joy and freedom that arise in the process of diving deeply into the creative process, of coming into one’s authentic voice, 

of being an artist.


I also write about the creative process at large and draw parallels between art-making and health and how engaging in one’s creative life can be a healing process amidst struggles with one’s physical or mental health.


My diverse experiences with my own voice, creativity, body, and health have led me to become who I am and influence and inspire my writing.

Some of what I write is free-verse poetry and prose; some of it is narrative or anecdotal; occasionally, posts might take a different form or be written in German.  
My primary hope through my writings is to show myself as an artist, create a place for readers to connect more deeply with their own artistic and human experiences, and provide encouragement for readers, reminding them that making art is important, worth it, and even necessary. 


All are welcome here: artists, creatives, musicians, teachers, athletes, expats, multilinguals, those who feel out of touch with their art, artists looking to connect and to feel seen in their creative experiences, and beyond.

If you're here, you're welcome!


Thanks so much for joining me. 

Looking to connect?
Send me a note! 

Thank you for your message!

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